This year again I have been delighted to have been involved in the Arts
Care ‘Here & Now’ Older People Festival, 2014. Funded by the Public
Health Agency, the project runs across health and social care settings
and in the community.

The participants never fails to surprise me, no matter their age they are. Last year my oldest client was 104, this year the oldest came in at the youthful age of 92. I helped another lovely 82 year old to her car with her work, she told me her car was the red one outside the door. There were two cars, a wee red fiat and a ferrari red sports car coupe outside the door. I decided to let her lead, and yes… she jumped into the sportscar and zoomed away. Thats the way I want to roll when I'm 82!
All in all, I completed 3 projects for Here and Beyond,
1) The Glue that binds us, which was great fun, we smashed pots and painted the fragments, then glued the pieces back together, pics later.
2) some sessions at the Derry Print workshop, which saw some beautiful works and great enjoyment.
3)and finally 'Objective' which saw me creating 10 canvas around the theme. The results were fantastic, as you can see here.
The project is similar to last year in the fact that we produced canvases around the idea of self portraiture, but this time it will be about telling life stories through an image of an object. We did some creative writing and painting.
I asked the participants in advance to really think about an object to take in .
To give it some special thought, look at what they have with new eyes.
Have a lttle time to to look around at personal possesions, Is there one thing that transports them to a moment in rife?
Perhaps something from childhood? an item from there mother’s kitchen? an old toy?
I was looking for objects that means something to the participant, it did not have to be valuable or old, or not obvious, not just about your career or hobby, the connection to the memory should not be so obvious to the viewer. The image will have a deeper meaner than its surface. The Haiku might give a clue as to the memory it invokes. So the object creates a nostalgic moment, the same way a photo will spark memories.
This is the result. They also produced a painted Abstract piece relating to their object.
(Photos to follow)
I think the results speak for themselves